The Future of Sustainable Wastewater Management and Renewable Energy

AMBREVO™ is an innovative patent pending above-ground tank technology specifically engineered to digest dilute(5,000-10,000+ mg/l COD) wastewater.

Our approach addresses multiple regulatory challenges for dairies while maximizing methane capture and providing consistent year-round gas production. 

Licensing opportunities for digester developers, dairies, and financiers looking for enhanced production and efficiency on RNG to CNG or electricity projects.

We understand the challenges dairies face and are committed to helping

their operations remain economically strong into the future. 

“Innovation and Adaptability

are the keys to

successful sustainability”

Tyler Bennett  |  Founder

Turning wastewater liabilities into sustainable assets

Incremental NPV from $4.3M to $6.9M over life of project compared to covered lagoon, on 3800 milk cow dairy

Above ground approach requires less permitting, decreasing time to construction

Potential for additional revenue streams from wasted sludge as compost and land-applied nutrients

Low solids in post-digested outflow results in improved water quality downstream of the system

AMBREVO is a good fit for wastewater day volumes above 100 gallons per cow per day

Smaller footprint than other technologies on the market

Heated tanks allow for use on flushed dairies in colder climates

Adaptable for use on other types of manure and food processing waste